Sunday, November 18, 2007

Cheers Elephant

They may be pretending to be the Monkees in the above picture, however Cheers Elephant are more like The Kinks meet the 13th Floor Elevators. They've got a bunch of shows coming up including a full-on residency at The Khyber in January, but closer opps to see them include a gig at the Downingtown School of Rock on November 24th. And on Thursday December 6th, the boys will be a part of WXPN's Philly Bands Together, a benefit for Musicians On Call with a great lineup including Matt Duke, The Trolleyvox, Nicole Reynolds & more TBA. More info here. In the meantime, here's a couple Cheers trax for your entertainment pleasure.

Hey Pagoda - Cheers Elephant
Tracking The Whale - Cheers Elephant


Julie said...
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Julie said...

Alright - Cheers Elephant is awesome! I love their distinctive sound, and they put on one hell of a show!

Jen said...

I love these guys...They not only know how to put on a show, but their music is incredible. Can't wait to see them at World Cafe Live!