Inspired by my guest post yesterday over at The Late Greats, here's a Philly music bonanza for you to check out. When The Duke asked me to pick my Philly 7 From '07, I couldn't just stop it at 7 and decided to take it to the limit.
Worst Trip - Dr. Dog
Dr. Dog myspace
Ball of The Dead Rat - The Teeth
The Teeth myspace
Diamonds - The A-Sides
The A-Sides' myspace
Mystical - Birdie Busch
Birdie's myspace
Alone Again - Illinois
Illinois myspace
Mr. Pie Eyes - Drink Up Buttercup
Drink Up Buttercup myspace
Jean Jacket - The Trolleyvox
Trolleyvox myspace
Bonusdelphia old school track
Expressway To Your Heart - The Soul Survivors
Van Helsing Boombox
Man Man's myspace
Glory Bound - The Lowlands
The Lowlands' myspace
It's Time They Knew - The Swimmers
The Swimmers' myspace
Danger In The House - Bitter Bitter Weeks
Bitter Bitter Weeks' myspace
Modern Thinker - The New Motels
The New Motels' myspace
Open It Up - Okay Paddy
Okay Paddy myspace
Sugaring - Illuminea
Illuminea's site
Mirage People - The Capitol Years
Sister You've Fuckin' Got It - Orphan Family
Orphan Family myspace
Worst Trip - Dr. Dog
Dr. Dog myspace
Ball of The Dead Rat - The Teeth
The Teeth myspace
Diamonds - The A-Sides
The A-Sides' myspace
Mystical - Birdie Busch
Birdie's myspace
Alone Again - Illinois
Illinois myspace
Mr. Pie Eyes - Drink Up Buttercup
Drink Up Buttercup myspace
Jean Jacket - The Trolleyvox
Trolleyvox myspace
Bonusdelphia old school track
Expressway To Your Heart - The Soul Survivors
Van Helsing Boombox
Man Man's myspace
Glory Bound - The Lowlands
The Lowlands' myspace
It's Time They Knew - The Swimmers
The Swimmers' myspace
Danger In The House - Bitter Bitter Weeks
Bitter Bitter Weeks' myspace
Modern Thinker - The New Motels
The New Motels' myspace
Open It Up - Okay Paddy
Okay Paddy myspace
Sugaring - Illuminea
Illuminea's site
Mirage People - The Capitol Years
Sister You've Fuckin' Got It - Orphan Family
Orphan Family myspace